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The Therapeutic Concepts

Vitiation (impairment or weakening) of the three Doshas and seven Dhatus is re?ected in the form of a disease. Ayurvedic Chikitsa or treatment is an act of relevant modalities, which re establish this imbalance. This is achieved through herbs, minerals, detoxi?cation modules or similar regimens.

Balancing the Vitiated doshas and dhatus is the primary goal of Ayurvedic management. The balance is effectively achieved through:



Mayoor Tuttha:Copper Sulphate




Naturally Occurring Coppers


Naturally Occuring Zinc Ore


  • Shamana — Pacification of Vitiated doshas, is the administration of drugs through oral or other routes. These treatments modulate the digestion process, effect the production of surplus and Vitiated doshas at the source, and help correct the disturbed mechanism.
  • Shodhana — Body cleansing and elimination of toxic substances Shodhan Chikitsa is known as the waste elimination therapy. It is done When the body accumulates excessive toxins and body is unable to excrete these toxic substances naturally. Vamana is medicated Emesis (vomiting) while Virechan is medicated purgation (evacuation ofbowels).
  • Pachana — Digest, burn, or neutralize ama. It is an effective method, involving simple techniques, in management of conditions wherein Shodhan cannot be employed. E.g. consumption of hot /medicated water for the entire day etc. to prep the body for further treatments.
  • Rasayana Chikitsa — Rejuvenation treatments is a special type of treatment containing various methods of rejuvenation. Rasayana therapy strives to improve physical, mental and moral qualities of a person. It involves majorly two approaches to treatment: The primary deliverables of Rasayana Chikitsa include the preventing recurrence of the same disease and building up better quality ofbody tissues, slowing ageing and promoting longevity. This can be achieved by two different methods namely Kutipmveshik, it is a kind of total rejuvenationand includes isolation from all sorts of daily routines and aids a greater effectiveness, While the other type i.e. Vatatapik includes consumption of special medicines and has a limited scope as compared to other.
  • Apunarbhava  The modalities understood so far mainly eliminated disease causing pathologies while the recurrence of same disease still remains a possibility. Ayurveda is the only science that explains a treatment modality that actually is called as Apunarbhava Chikitsa, as it builds a special immunity against diseases. This prevents recurrence of same disease and also rejuvenates the destructed Dhatus and restores normal functions.

Single Drug Therapies — It is an effective way in which a specific single herb is employed for management of a particular disease. There can be a variation in the Anupana i.e. the vehicle With which the medicine is administered e.g. water, milk, honey, ginger j uice etc.

  • Vardhaman Prayogas These Prayogas involve a progressive increase and a progressive reduction in the dosage of the same medicine. The dose variation is periodic and as per the requirement of clinical condition. e.g. Vardhaman Guda Hariktaki Yoga, Vardhaman Guda Pippali Yoga, these need to be done under expert supervision and guidance.
  • Multidrug Regimens These involve combination therapies of herbal, mineral and herbo—mineral medicines throughout the day and mainly implemented through the Shodhan and Shamana types of modalities.
  • Metals and Minerals — Ayurveda employs all the available form of elements for effective treatments, metals or minerals are not an exception for the same. Rasashastra is a potential branch that deals with methods of manufacturing of medicines based on metals and minerals. The metals and minerals are first processed to enhance the bio-availability and safety and then is converted in a form that can be readily absorbed. Mercury is capable of curing all the simple and complex diseases. Mercury is combined With purified sulphur compounds and converted into more stable and potable forms, which are used in medicines. Minerals are subjected to process of purification and then ‘Bhasmikarana’, wherein they are processed with different herbs and then roasted in earthen pots using cow dung cakes and a fine powder is obtained in due course. Metals like gold, silver, copper, tin, lead are extremely effective in management of relatively complex disorders.