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Ayurvedo Rasyananam

Ayurveda, the divine way of life is a 5,000 year old knowledge of natural healing that dates its origins in the Vedic culture of India. It is the first medical system which emphasizes on the motto 'Prevention is better than cure.’ In ancient time, when diseases emerged and obstructed the successful implementations of Dharma (religiousbeliefs), Dharati (earth), Kamana (desire), and Moksha (freedom), learned ‘Mam’s’ and sages held an intellectual conclave in the Himalayas. Ari eminent sage, Sage Bharadwaj was sent to Lord Indra to seek a yeilding solution to this problem. Comming to the rescue, Lord Brahma unleashed the benevolent knowledge ofAyurveda and arranged it in total of orie lakh sutras. These satras were then divided into eight sub branches and were handed over to The Ashwini kumar’s and they ultimately handed it over to Lord Indra. Indra, further passed on this knowledge to Bharadwaj, who shared his profound perception with 44 acharyas in the Himalayan conclave. The Samhitas were then written to propagate the immense knowledge of Ayarveda in the best interests of the modern world. Pouring with a list ofhealth advices, techniques, devotional mantras, choral prayers and blessings, The Vedic Samhitas constitute of one of the oldest part of Hindu traditions. ‘Charaka Samhita’, ‘Sushrata Samhita’ and ‘Ashtanga Sangraha’ are referred to as ‘The Brahattrayees’ i.e. the three foundation texts of Ayurveda. They explain the core values, concepts and the science of Ayurveda. All medicinal practices follow one fundamental objective, to care the diseases and to reduce the safi‘ering arialpain. Unfortunately, authorized interests have led to a situation where this objective has started to fade. We feel that with the advent of glohalization and advanced communication being easily available, the time for an integrated approach for the treatment of disease has arrived. The Indian system of Ayurveda is based on Flora, Fauna and the environment, and has withstood the test of time for over 5000 years. ‘Ayarveda’ in recent times saflered due to two mainfactors. 

Firstly, In the pre-independence era the colonial powers in order to promote western medicine totally neglected Ayurveda and deliberately attempted to condemn it for being an outdated concept. Even after independence this negligence continued for almost 40 years. Ayurveda is the most commonly used health care system in the country, except in urban areas. Yet in the recent time, Ayurveda is being accorded its clue but that too gradually. The main aim of Nanal Research Foundation is to try and work in the direction of establishing the lost glory of Ayurveda. T0 bring forth the logical, rational and scientific structure of its knowledge base to the practitioners of other health care systems, it helps to acquire its rightful place in the health care delivery system structure of the country.